Saturday, March 15, 2008

This Semester

This is my second semester as a college student, and so far it has turned out to be quite nice. I am enjoying my freedom in college and for the most part enjoying the classes. Some even seem to be easier than those in high school. At first I thought this semester was going to be harder than my first, especially since I have to take calculus. However, for the most part things have turned to be quite nice, and not as hard as I expected.

Most of my classes are lectures, and I am supposed to take away from that and learn. Well as far as my theater class goes I have learned a lot about theater, not exactly things I feel necessary for me to learn but that’s okay. In English I feel like I learned a good amount when we had to read our book and answer the questions. It was very informative and the advertising and arguments sections really stuck out to me because we don’t really think about most things being arguments, because we are not looking for that type of thing while for example when watching tv. In my other classes, like history I haven’t really learned any new information, its more of just a refresher back from middle school history classes. I don’t understand why we learn the same history over and over again? I thought after middle school and high school it would be over, but no! That frustrates me! Calculus also frustrates me. There are hard concepts to grasp and I am just not a math person, but I have to take calculus because I am a business major.

I can’t really think of something this semester that I have learned and wish I knew before. However last semester I learned something that I wish I would of known before school started. I never knew how to look up professors on in order to get good teachers. After learning that in the middle of last semester I was able to look up the classes that I needed for this semester and then find teachers with positive comments. I am quite pleased this semester because most of what people said turned out to be true, and I have ended up with good classes/teachers.

This semester has gone by fast, and like I said not too bad! I am sure there are many things I could do to make it better. I could first of all stop procrastinating on everything but I don’t know if that problem will ever go away. Never once have I been able to study more than the day rather the night before for a test or even exam. I don’t know why but I just love putting everything off till the last minute. When I actually come down to the crunch time I don’t exactly love it though, rather hate it! I could also take better notes in my history and theater classes. The classes are quite boring lectures with a lot of information so I take my laptop to take notes. If I didn’t my hands would probably fall off from writing so much. But, the laptop does have a little problem because it distracts me. I guess if I wanted to do better I could ditch the laptop but there's no way I would do it!

When I think about what to gain from my education, it is a good question. I don’t exactly know to be honest but I can think of a few things that might possibly help me. Well first of all going to college I hope to get an education in order to find a good job after college and graduate school. I know there are things I will learn that will specifically apply to my major and those are the things I feel that actually educate me. Everything else that I feel like I will never use again are just there in the back of my head to “say I have them” and not look like some high school drop out. The classes I am taking like management 1020 and management information systems are classes that apply to my business degree and teach me valuable things I need to know that are one hundred percent related to the business world. These types of things are what I think educated me, because I am trying to learn them for a purpose not just because “I have to”. For example, we are required to take a certain amount of general education classes. Well for many of us those classes are not going to help us with our major, just help to round us. I feel like it’s nice to know these things but they are not going to apply to me later in life, like the art history class I took first semester. To be educated is important and to know certain things that I think I won’t need to know now might come in handy one day. I define educated as someone who has gone to school and actually learned the things they were supposed to. Many people go to school but I do not think everyone gets an education. I think this is based on ones curiosity. If you want to learn and are curious about the subject matter than I think it is easier to learn. A lot of kids in my senior class did not give a crap about anything; they just wanted to smoke pot everyday. Well they never did their homework or pay attention, so I do not feel like they actually got a good education. And I’m not saying I pay attention to everything and study all the time because everyone has there “I don’t care anymore” moments but I feel like getting an education is important because even though a lot of us don’t want to learn the things, you cannot do much in life with out one.

I do want a degree and an education. I know I am not the hardest worker but I do want to learn and feel smart! Honestly a lot of going to college is just to get a degree, in order to get a good job. Unless you want to work at McDonalds the rest of your life your not going to find much else. Its reality and you’re not going to find a well paying job with out a college degree.

1 comment:

missrowanoak said...

Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it!